Vili Lehdonvirta

Associate Professor at the Oxford Internet Institute
University of Oxford
Vili Lehdonvirta is an Associate Professor and Senior Research Fellow at the Oxford Internet Institute, University of Oxford.
He is an economic sociologist whose research focuses on how digital technologies, such as apps, platforms, and marketplaces, are governed, how they shape the organization of economic activity and what implications they have for workers, consumers, businesses, and policymakers.
Lehdonvirta is the principal investigator of iLabour, a major research project on online freelancing and the gig economy, funded by the European Research Council. He also leads research projects on online labour markets’ effects in rural areas and crowdworkers’ skill development. Other recent research takes a critical perspective on Bitcoin and blockchain. His research draws on theories and approaches from economic sociology, new institutional economics, labour sociology, as well as science and technology studies. Lehdonvirta also sits on the editorial boards of the Journal of Policy & Internet, The Information Society, Electronic Commerce Research and the Journal of International Business Policy. He is widely published, with articles in the Journal of Management, New Media & Society, Work, Employment & Society, and other leading academic journals.
#vililehdonvirta #digitaleconomy #platformeconomy #futureofwork
Read more about Lehdonvirta’s expertise and his work as a researcher on his website and on his faculty profile.