Submission has ended 15 February.

Information on abstract acceptance has been sent by email to the presenting authors/submitters on Friday, 31 March. In case you have not received the information, please contact immediately the Aboa Congress and Event Services at


Submitted abstracts were subject to blind review. Acceptance is based on scientific quality and general fit with the conference topics.

Submitting authors will be notified by 31 March 2017 of abstract acceptance or refusal. If you do not receive information by email by that date, please contact Aboa Congress and Event Services immediately at (tel. +358 40 565 6716,

Accepted abstracts will be presented as either orally or as posters (width: 88 cm x height:118 cm).  All accepted abstracts will be published either on USB sticks or as a printed abstract book, as well as on the conference website and/or in a mobile application (if permission is granted by the authors).

A full paper is not required. If you want to share your full paper, “work in progress”-paper or your ppt-presentation with the audience, we encourage you to bring printed copies of your paper or presentation with you.

Important: The author marked in the submission system as the presenting author, must register as a conference participant and pay the conference participation fee by 15 June 2017. In case the presenting author has not registered by the given date and paid the participation fee, the abstract will be removed from the programme.

If you have any questions or problems concerning abstract handling, please contact for further information.


Writing Guidelines 

1.The (word-)TEMPLATE must be used to submit the abstract. Please note that the submission system can only process your abstract if it is submitted using the template.
2. The maximum number of words in the abstract text body is 800 words.
3. Do not include author or affiliation details to the abstract template as a blind review process is applied. You will be able to give this information in the abstract submission form.
4. The abstract must be written in English.
5. The abstract should consist of an introduction, objectives, methods, results and conclusion, or an otherwise coherent body.
6. Do not include references or key words




Abstract submission until 15 February 2017
Letters of acceptance 31 March 2017
Early registration deadline 15 June 2017